Interesting Information of Russia Country and it's Cities
Interesting Information of Russia Country and it's Cities in Urdu and English.Russia Cities, Villages Information.
As you know that world largest country is Russia. Similarly, this is a 9th big country in terms of population. Its capital and big city is Moscow.According to the large information web site "Wikipedia", the number of cities and villages in Russia is 1110.Secondly in Russia, it is preferred to "Islam" the funeral.6% of the people here consider themselves as Muslims. According to both Europe and Asia, the world's largest country consisting of ancient ancient structures, epic train travels, epic train, controversial politicians, long-term veterans and vodka fuel on the onion Satisfaction with nights He has shown interest with many passengers and passengers, and for those who visited, he will find a country that welcomes culturally powerful cities, idolaters, artistic riches and people. In such a big country it is difficult to know where it can start,St.

Petersburg is a long-lived city and is one of the best cities in Russia. In 1611, the city was born under the name of Nelson, and with its increase in size and reputation continuously increased. As the governments fell around Rose and the Great City, it was re-nominated as long as its current name arrived at St. Petersburg. The city's history has left many famous relatives, such as the beautiful old churches with beautiful population architecture. Today, the visitors of the city love to find city culture as well as participate in water ports and enjoy the fine arts offering the city. The Nahil City Concert offers a spectacular cultural scene, along with many museums and historical tours.
2- Altai
1- Petersburg
Petersburg is a long-lived city and is one of the best cities in Russia. In 1611, the city was born under the name of Nelson, and with its increase in size and reputation continuously increased. As the governments fell around Rose and the Great City, it was re-nominated as long as its current name arrived at St. Petersburg. The city's history has left many famous relatives, such as the beautiful old churches with beautiful population architecture. Today, the visitors of the city love to find city culture as well as participate in water ports and enjoy the fine arts offering the city. The Nahil City Concert offers a spectacular cultural scene, along with many museums and historical tours.
2- Altai
Altai is a Russian Republic in South Siberia, which is the most beautiful area of Ottawa Russia. This desert is almost inevitable, and natural beauty is absolutely breathable. Along with ultraviolet glaciers and pink jails, the treatment is full of warm hot springs. Tourists and hospitals both love the region that are for its extraordinary natural offers, it is a wonderful exceptional place in Russia that is best for Begum.
3- Mosco
Moscow is the capital of Russia, as well as the country's cosmopolitan expensive center of art, music, science, academy, and politics. This year-old city is an interesting place to explore with arts and artwork from all over the world, besides the modern day fragrance to participate in it. St. Basil's Catherine is a particularly interesting building in which samples are multi-towers. Roofing like balon. Although this seems to be something outside of Disneylandland, Catherine and all Moscow are not a mystical fairy story, but a real life adventure. In the case of Moscow, really trumps fantasy. This Russian Metropolitan is a beautiful place to travel to travel together.
4- 4. Olkhon Island
In 20 beautiful places that visit the Global Ground in Russia
It is the fourth largest lake in the world, and is one step behind, the Okhon is a great place to visit the island and stay in Russia. 250 km north of Arctus is located near the east, it is reaching the sea or by the sea, and the culture of local residents is very well protected, so you can experience a unique corner of Russia in a stable way. . This large island is in the middle of Lake Baik, and its distinct location is built and naturally breathable. If you have searched all the sites in Metropolitan Russia, and if you are looking for more, it is to stay in Russia.
5- The Golden Ring
Golden color is a series of cities that consider Russia's formation and culture. For travelers who are particularly interested in Russian history, one of these wonderful cities is essential in Russia. Some good people, to start, are Yaroslavl, Vladimir and Suzal. Many of these sites are UNESCO safe, because they not only value to Russian history but generally to global history. Many structures are far from the medieval times, so guests in the area can already experience the life. If you visit any of the Golden Ring cities, make sure to travel along with some museums and spells.
6. Kamchatka
Petropolofes - a ruggedly beautiful mini
In 20 beautiful places that visit the Global Ground in Russia
The bearings are located in the far-eastern region of Russia near the sea of the ocean and the Okhoshak, the town of Petropolphas-Comchassi is a disturbing background of the hill country. This city is a great place to stay in Russia and is becoming a center of tourism rapidly, offers close-to-tour boot and organized tours, including gascassers and oxygen volcanoes. Apart from the amazing scenery, tourists can meet the views of many museums, theaters and historical significance. Nearest nearby places include Past and Pauses, Three Broken Fireworks and Nature Reserve, and Monument in Volcanic Museum, Volcanicum.
7- Kizhi
Decree is a quiet island near the Lake Jiangsu center in the northern part of Russia, in the Karlia Republic. During the summer of summer, the small community is maintained by the tourism for the Kozi State Open Air Museum's history, architecture and ethanie. It is an open museum dedicated to teaching about visitors about the 18th century life in Russia. If you visit Koshi, you can walk through this secure city and learn about daily life, religion, entertainment, and families of Central Russia. One of the top attractions in Russia, this is an informal and unique experience that is worth traveling.
8. Peterhof Palace
Peter Hart is a sub-district of St. Petersburg, and it is a place to be ranked on the Russian destination as it is because it is beautiful home to Peter Harford's Grand Palace. Dating to Palace 1714 is a wonderful structure when Peter Great Great started building on his famous castle. In the subsequent years, the Czars Palace continued to add palaces and lakes to the palace and the foundations. Unfortunately, during the Second World War, many palaces destroyed by Axis Powers, and the repair continues. Still, Peter Necklace is a wonderful elegant and wonderful place to visit the Grand Palace. Visitors are able to arrange tours of the field and make a regular setting of interior decoration.
9. Ruskeala, Karelia -
One of the most beautiful places in Russia
In 20 beautiful places that visit the Global Ground in Russia
Russia's city in Cairo is located four hours north of St. Petersburg, and is one of the most beautiful places in Russia. This beach lies near the Finnish border on the famous Blue Highway, which connects to Norway, Sweden, and Finland Russia. Built on the Tokkimiko river, Russia is famous as its magnificent natural beauty and history marble mining center. It has close proximity to a very beautiful lakes, forests and leisure centers. The Ruskaya Mountain Park is a major pursuit, which offers underground tourists visiting the impressive Marble quarters. Ruskeala Marble Canyon offers job-winning activities on the colorful marble lakes, while the Roskillava waterfall is a popular place for organized tricks between the breathtaking scenario. Apart from these natural wisdom, tourists will find hotels, shops and activities on offer.
10. Pskov
Posco - Attractive Historic City
From 20 beautiful places to visit the Global Ground in Russia
Pesco is an ancient city that is not far from the Estonian border. The city to visit Russia is a great destination because it offers a number of beautiful examples of historical architecture, churches and spells, along with the most important focus - Poseko chrom. The mess of this medieval rivers is a Russian architectural mini and is in the historical context of similar popular trends. Another pursuit of visiting the 12th Century Marxist MESSICA is famous for its magnificent religious morals. In addition to the magnificent ancient architecture, there is a wide variety of museums and theaters in the city of Passof, as well as explore interesting monuments and statues.
11. Kenozersky National Park
Canzasaki National Park - Greedy Wood and Waterways
In 20 beautiful places that visit the Global Ground in Russia
Located in the northwest of Russia, the Kenzasaki National Park is a popular place for travelers to visit Russia. Fertilized wooden and waterways surrounded by one side. The elegant park is dominated by the Big Lake Canesauro and loves a lot of walkers, cycling riders and organized tourism. Scattered around the park, tourists had to face numerous historical buildings, such as churches and spells, the majority of the people of Nigurud, who were the first inhabitants of this area. Many Russian villages fall on the edge of the lake and offer interesting insight into historical local culture. Since 2004, the Canzersky National Park has been UNESCO BOSS's Ground Reserve, making it an important environmental area for the ecosystem and local generations in the area.
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